Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A 2nd Sewing Center

I created a little sewing corner in the living room using and old, small computer desk. I'm flowing out of the little bedroom I made into a crafting studio. My mom's old sewing machine is still in there. You can see it in my blog banner.

I just finished putting up a cafe curtain rod for the skirt I made that hides many a boxes behind it. I found the cotton fabric at Walmart a couple of years ago. It saying "Creative Woman" on it and has some really cute graphics. The desk has a little pull-out table under the sewing machine where the keyboard sat where I keep a sewing book or two and notes.

There's a pink KK knitting loom missing from the wall 'cause I'm using it right now to make this. Now, what do I do with all the wood knitting boards that I have...


  1. Looks wonderful, Scarlet! You have an open invitation to organize my crafting area any time you like ;-)

  2. Hi Brenda, *grin* - Thanks...I have a long way to go yet before being finished organizing all my other crafty stuff... I hope to get more ideas looking through that link you posted in Bethany's Yahoo group - thanks for that.
