Friday, February 10, 2012

A Simple Idea & My Fav Comb

Such a simple idea - A brilliant idea - Drop your shampooed, long, wet hair inside a 100% cotton pillow case, twist, stand up and tuck it into the back. Why didn't I think of that!?!

It is so much easier to use than a towel or a turban 'cause all of your hair will fit. I bought a couple online from Dharma Trading Company. They sell 100% cotton pillow cases that don't have a finish on them - just pure cotton and cotton stitching. I understand that a cotton pillow case or a cotton t-shirt is the best thing to wrap your hair up in after you shampoo it.

I like the pillow case 'cause all you have to do is drop in your hair and it touches nothing else. Neither the cotton pillow case or the cotton t-shirt will sap all the needed moisture out of your hair like a bath towel or twisty turbun will. The end result is that your hair will then be much softer when combed and left to dry naturally.

And, this is my most favorite comb - Hairsense Seamless Bone Comb: Volume - 2 1/2" x 7". I've been using it for about a year now. I always grab for it first to hit any tangles that I might have in my wet or dry hair. Plus, it is great to use if you fight static in your hair like I do in the Winter.. I use it and now have no static to deal with.

The two hair forks (wood and plastic) I purchased on-line really cheap and decorated each up with jewelry findings embellishments and E6000 glue.

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