Sunday, September 16, 2012

Eating Vegan

My doctor now has me on 2 prescriptions for high blood pressure as my body LOVES to retain water. He says to cut the salt (not the salt shaker - processed foods), lose weight, eat more fruits and veggies, watch pizza, cheese, etc. It's the usual things you hear from your doctor if you have high blood pressure; just not a usual diet one likes.

I may have to look into a vegan diet again.

After looking over THIS website with all her recipes that really do appeal to me, I just might be able to do it at least 1/2 the time.

I like LOVE cheese (nachos and cheese esp.) and need to cut way back on it. I do, however, like vegan nutritional yeast often times used to make a cheese sauce. Not eating meat is no problem for me. I gave that up over a year and a half ago. I honestly don't think I could even eat a burger or chicken now without gagging.

Like I said in an earlier post I have added back in eggs and fish though.

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